Friday, April 8, 2016

Research and Pinterest ... my new best friends

God bless Google Images, and Pinterest, and all the media sources that have pictures and articles and suggestions and surveys about this process. I may have spent too much time this week looking at glorious photos of gorgeous women with white and grey hair, but it has made me feel like this is a good decision.

Kim and Melissa (two wonderful women, colleagues and friends both) were my ears today as I wanted to tell someone of this decision.  The thinking is the more people I strategically tell, the less likely I will be to surrender to the colouring bottle.  As expected (thankfully!) they said I could rock this look and have promised to hold my hand when I start to cry about it.

My obsession with my hair is really too much, even for me.  When I was 13 I was really sick, and as a result my hair fell out about 6 months later.  I was in grade 9, with braces and glasses and thinning hair.  Not my best year.  When my hair returned, it came in slightly darker and wavy.  Now I am excited to see it come in white and wavy.  Or grey ...?  Maybe I should call it silver.  Yes, I like silver.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I am committed?

Peer pressure is something to reckon with; it can be the rationale for change, the impetus to start anew,  the justification to stop.

It's not peer pressure that is driving this decision... It's my very very itchy scalp.

This is me:

24 hours since my last hair colouring, and 23 hours since I've started researching going grey.  I'm 40 years old and I'm ready.  By chronicling my journey I hope it will help with the required willpower. 

Please let this journal help! 

This is not rocket science,  this blog will not help heal anyone,  but I know what I need.  And that is peer pressure. 

I've told Mark and Liam that this is happening, so it must be true.